Peer Reviewed
Engesser, S., Etzrodt, K. & Mooshammer, S. (2023): The Authenticity of Conversational Language Models Like ChatGPT. Presentation at the Human-Machine Communication Pre-Conference „Authenticity in Communicating with Machines“ at the 73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Toronto, Canada, 25.05.2023
Mooshammer, S., Etzrodt, K. & Weidmüller, L. (2023, May): Trust in Gendered Voice Assistants – The Special Case of Gender Ambiguity. Presentation at the 73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) „Reclaiming Authenticity in Communication“, High-Density Paper Session: Does Gender of Virtual Agents Matter? , Human-Machine Communication, Toronto, Canada, 27.05.2023
Etzrodt, K. (2023, May): Die Erforschung der sozialen Beziehung zwischen Mensch und Maschine: Theoretische und empirische Herausforderungen [Exploring the social relationship between humans and machines: theoretical and empirical challenges]. Presentation at the 68th Annual Conference of the German Communication Association [Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, DGPuK], Panel: Forschungsherausforderungen algorithmischer/automatisierter Medienkommunikation, Bremen, Germany, 19.05.2023
Mooshammer, S., Etzrodt, K. & Weidmüller, L. (2023, May): Er, sie… oder was? Vertrauen in geschlechtsneutrale Sprachassistenten. Presentation at the 68th Annual Conference of the German Communication Association [Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, DGPuK], Panel: Kommunikations- und medienethische Herausforderungen automatisierter Medienkommunikation, Bremen, Germany, 19.05.2023, (Winner of Top Paper Award at DGPuK 2023)
Mooshammer, S. & Etzrodt, K. (2022, May): Gender Neutrality in Voice Assistants: Gender Perception and Influences of Context. Presentation at the 72nd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) „One World, One Network‽“, HMC Chair’s Panel: Showcasing the International Scope and Breadth of HMC Research, Paris, France, 28.05.2022
Etzrodt, K., Weidmüller, L. & Engesser, S. (2022, May): The Power of Default in Alexa, Google Assistant, and Siri: Intelligent Voice-Based Assistants as Media Intermediaries in Germany. Presentation at the 72nd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) „One World, One Network‽“, Interacting With Digital Assistants: „ForniCATing Alexa“, Paris, France, 28.05.2022
Etzrodt, K. & van der Goot, M. (2022, May): Computers as social actors, or computers are social actors? — A comparison of two approaches. Presentation at the HMC Pre-Conference „Bridging Worlds. Bridging Networks“ of the 72nd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) „One World, One Network‽“, Paris, France, 26.05.2022
Etzrodt, K. & Weidmüller, L. (2022, May): „Should I trust this VBA-thing?“ — The effect of the ontological classification of voice-based agents on trustworthiness. Presentation at the HMC Pre-Conference „Bridging Worlds. Bridging Networks“ of the 72nd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) „One World, One Network‽“, Paris, France, 26.05.2022
Mooshammer, S. & Etzrodt K. (2021, November). Social research with gender-neutral voices in chatbots – The generation and evaluation of artificial gender-neutral voices with Praat and Google WaveNet. Presented at the 5th International Workshop on Chatbot Research — CONVERSATIONS 2021, Virtual Conference, 23.–24.11.2021, Full Papers (Winner of Best Paper Award).
Etzrodt, K. & Engesser, S. (2021). Objects of doubt: Factors influencing the subjectification of voice-based agents. Presentation at the 8th Annual Conference of European Communication and Research and Education Association (ECREA), Virtual Conference, 08.09.2021.
Etzrodt, K. (2021, May). Two is a crowd, but three are a game-changer. The impact of a second human on the (social) relationship with voice-based agents. Presented at the 71st Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) „Engaging the Essential Work of Care: Communication, Connectedness, and Social Justice“, Virtual Conference (originally to be held in Denver, CO, USA).
Etzrodt, K. (2020, November). The Ontological Classification of Conversational Agents. An Adaptation of Piaget’s Equilibration Theory. Presented at the 4th International Workshop on Chatbot Research — CONVERSATIONS 2020, Virtual Conference, 23.–24.11.2020, Revised Selected Papers.
Etzrodt, K., Weidmüller, L. & Engesser, S. (2019, May): Things with Personality. The Impact of Perceived Similarity and Personality of Voice-Based Assistants on their Perceived Subjecthood. Presentation at the Pre-Conference „Communicating to Machines“ of the 69th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Washington, D.C., USA, 24.05.2019.
Etzrodt, K., Wagner,S. & Engesser, S. (2019, May): Does Voice Kill the Text Star? No, It Does Not! An Online Experiment on the Trustworthiness of the Text-Based and Voice-Based Variants of Google Assistant. Poster presented at the 69th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) „Communication Beyond Borders,“ Communication and Technology Division, Washington, D.C., USA, 25.05.2019.
Weidmüller, L., Etzrodt, K. & Engesser, S. (2019, May): Nachrichtensprecher der Zukunft? Glaubwürdigkeit der Sprachassistenten Alexa und Google Assistant. Presentation at the Pre-Conference „Kommunikationswissenschaftliche Vertrauensforschung in einer digitalisierten Welt – Positionen und Perspektiven“ of the 64th Annual Conference of the German Communication Association [Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, DGPuK], Münster, Germany, 09.05.2019
Etzrodt, E., Renatus, R. & Hagen, L. M. (2015, May). Intergenerational Differences in Information Behavior. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) „Communication Across the Life Span“, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 21.-25.05.2015.
Etzrodt, K. & Renatus, R., Uhlmann, F. (2014): Informationsbezogene Mediennutzung Jugendlicher und Senioren in (Online-) Communities. „Online Communities: Technologies and Analyses for Networks in Industry, Research and Education“, 17. Workshop GeNeMe ’14. TU Dresden, Germany.
Engelmann, I. & Etzrodt, K. (2013, May): Media’s Gender Construction and Their Possible Causes. A Content Analysis of Female and Male Politicians in Online Newspapers. Annual Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication (IAMCR), Dublin, Ireland.
Etzrodt, K. & Müller, D. (2013): Medienkonvergenz und Ubiquität. Ein Vorschlag für eine differenzierte Erhebung der Mediennutzung. Konferenz des Instituts für Unternehmenskommunikation der Universität der Bundeswehr München, Frankfurt/ Main, Germany.
Belafi, M., Etzrodt, K., Unterreitmeier, M. & Haferkamp, N. (2012): I can Facebook!? – A Theoretical Reflection on the Impact of Social Media Literacy on the Handling of Private Information. Annual Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication (IAMCR), Durban, South Africa.
Etzrodt, K. (2012): Mediated Identities in Social Network Sites – More Than Just Self-Presentation! Annual Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication (IAMCR), Durban, South Africa.
Unterreitmeier, M., Belafi, M., Etzrodt, K. & Haferkamp, N. (2012): Reality TV – Godsend or Trojan Horse? A Theoretical Reflection on the Popularity and Impact of a Popular TV Genre. Annual Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication (IAMCR), Durban. South Africa.
Unterreitmeier, M., Belafi, M., Etzrodt, K. & Haferkamp, N. (2012): Broadcast Yourself! Examining the Influence of Watching Reality TV on Self-Disclosure on SNS. Annual Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication (IAMCR), Durban, South Africa.
Weidmüller, L. & Etzrodt, K. (Januar 2023): Voice-based assistants as media intermediaries. Cutting-edge Communication Research @ ASCoR (Amsterdam School of Communication Research), 26.01.2023
Etzrodt, Katrin (November 2021): ”Alexa, was gibt’s Neues?” — Eine Studie zur Medienvielfalt und (Transparenz) bei Sprachassistenten. Vortrag auf dem Audio Summit der Landesanstalt für Medien NRW, 26.11.2021.
Etzrodt, Katrin (Januar 2019): Soziale Interaktion mit Maschinen? — Neue alte Perspektiven für die Kommunikationswissenschaft. Vortrag im Rahmen des Semestertags des Instituts für Kommunikationswissenschaft Leipzig, 25.01.2019.
Etzrodt, K. & Keller, I. (Januar 2014): Informations- und Wissensaneignung in ubiquitären und sozialen Medien. Vortragsreihe „eScience Saxony Lecture“, TU Dresden.
Etzrodt, K. (Oktober 2013): „Hilfe! Mein Kind will ein Smartphone“. Vortrag für die 5. bis 7. Klassen zu aktuellen Themen im Umgang mit neuen Medien in diesen Altersstufen am Bertolt Brecht Gymnasium Dresden.
Etzrodt, K. & Belafi, M. (September 2012): Leben in und mit den neuen Medien? Die Nutzung von Facebook, Twitter und Co. durch Heranwachsende. Tagung der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung: ‚Die Highspeed Republik? Von Chancen und Risiken neuer Medien‘ , Marianthal.