Since 2022Senior Research and Teaching Associate
at the Chair of Communication – Science and Technology Communication, Institute of Media and Communication, TU Dresden
2022Doctoral Thesis
Topic “Voice-Based Assistants as Social Actors. Contribution to Theory and Empirical Research in Human-Machine Communication“ (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Sven Engesser, Expert reviewer: Prof. Dr. Lutz M. Hagen, Prof. Dr. Jochen Peter, defended 14.12.2022).
2022Research Associate
in the research project „Disruption of Networked Privacy“ as part of the project „Disruption and Societal Change“ (TUDiSC) at TU Dresden
2018 – 2022Research and Teaching Associate
at the Chair of Communication – Science and Technology Communication, Institute of Media and Communication, TU Dresden
2017Research and Teaching Associate
at the Chair of Communication – Political and Economical Communication, Institute of Media and Communication, TU Dresden
2017 – 2020Stipendiary
Scholarship Program for the Promotion of Early-Career Female Scientists of TU Dresden, Doctoral Thesis: „Perception of Voice Agents as Social Actors“
2014 – 2016Parental Leave
2012 – 2014Research Associate
at the Chair of Emerging Communication and Media, Institute of Media and Communication, TU Dresden
Interdisciplinary Project “Software Engineering of Social and Ubiquitous Media”, funded by the European Social Fund
2011 – 2012Research Associate
Centre for Quality Analysis, TU Dresden
2010Magister Thesis
Topic „Die deutsche Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft im internationalen Vergleich“ (Supervisor: Bertram Scheufele)
2008 – 2010Undergraduate Assistant
at the Institute of Communication Research, FSU Jena
DFG Project „Politische Metaframes in der Berichterstattung und deren Wirkung im Zusammenspiel mit individuellen und kontextuellen Determinanten des Wahlverhaltens“ (PI: Bertram Scheufele)
2005 – 2007Undergraduate Assistant
Department of Communication and Media Research, University of Zurich
Project „Framing-Effekte. Zum Einfluss der Politikberichterstattung auf die Einstellungen des Rezipienten“ (PI: Jörg Matthes)
2004 – 2010Study of Media (and Communication) Science, Sociology, and Pedagogy
at Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
2002 – 2004Parental Leave
1999 – 2003Apprenticeship for Ergotherapy
at Medizinische Fachschule Saalfeld „Georgius Agricola“

Administrative Responsibilities

Since 2024Student Counselor (BA), Institute of Media and Communication, TU Dresden
Since 2018Course Coordinator, Institute of Media and Communication, TU Dresden
2012 – 2017Social Media and Webmanager, Institute of Media and Communication, TU Dresden